Good evening dear reader, I trust that God has been keeping you safely, soundly and powerfully. I wish you a happy good Friday. Before I continue, I welcome you to Espiritus Koinonia, a blog where we are post write-ups that inspire, revive and renews your intimacy with God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We enjoin you to continue to visit our blog, read the posts, be blessed, share to your friends, families and loved ones. Let's teach and preach the gospel and win souls for Christ through social media. God bless you as you do so in Jesus name. Amen.
I sincerely appreciate my friends, loved ones, constant visitors who called, texted, mailed to ask why I had not put my pen to paper for a long time. I sincerely apologise for my shortcomings. I also want to appreciate my brother Markblessing Oriabor (owner and writer of for his advice and counsel that has enabled me resuming writing, Victory Oloriode for the constant remainder to put my pen to paper and a host of others that time and space will not permit me to mention and thank but from the depth of my heart I truly appreciate you and may God bless you and keep you in Jesus name. Amen.
This evening I will be teaching on the above topic "The power of the cross". Firstly, let's look at what power means, it means an ability to do something. It simply means being able to do something within your capability or capacity without seeking permission from another. You see why God is seen as the ultimate power. The rest of us share in His power, which gives us authority. Authority is delegated power. I hope you understand what I am saying. What is the Cross?, to some persons it is just another Christain symbol, one of those things people wear that make you know that they are Christians but I tell you Sir/Ma, the cross is more than just a baseless symbol without power. See what Gal 3:13-14 says:
KJV:Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
KJV:That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. (KJV)
Firstly the cross frees us from the curse of the law. In Nigeria or some African countries in those years, if someone was buried or thrown into a thick forest, that person was seen as taboo so much to the point where the mention of the name of such a person was forbidden. That's the same stigma, shame and disgrace that surrounded Christ's death. Do you now understand why the Pharisees and Sadducees were angry when the apostles preached that men could only be saved by the name of Jesus. They thought they had succeeded in making his name a disgust, a taboo but they didn't know that that was also part of God's plan. The next question is what is the curse of the law? Read Deu 28:19-68.
Secondly, from verse 14, we see that the cross opens up a portal by which we become partakers of the blessings of Abraham. Oh, I wish someone understood this, do you see why the gospel of the cross is the foundational gospel of the gospel of Christ. Our Christain walk starts from the cross and I daresay ends at the cross also. We become partakers of the blessings of Abraham by reason of the blood of Jesus that was shed on it. The blood washes, cleanses us and makes us partakers of divine mysteries. It is on the basis of our salvation via our encounter with the blood of Jesus on the cross that makes us qualified candidates for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Without salvation we cannot receive the promise of the Holy Spirit.
Thirdly, Christ was crucified at a place called Golgotha which is translated to mean "a place of the skull or hill of execution". A school of thought firstly pioneered by Origen (185-253 AD) believes with proofs (the suspected tomb of Adam is said to be in an excavated chamber below the traditional calvary) that Golgotha where Jesus died is the same spot where the skull and tomb of Adam was found. Now what does that mean for us, he died at the same spot where the first man Adam was buried thereby completely nullifying the weaknesses of the first man Adam who was a living being through whom sin came into the world. Then after dying like the first Adam on the same spot, He did what the first Adam couldn't do. In three days time, he rose from the dead, thereby becoming a life giving spirit, giving us freedom from the power of sin and death, making us partakers of the blessings of Abraham, bringing us out of the kingdom of darkness into His kingdom of light and power, subduing the devil and all his hosts and making us seat with Him in heavenly places far above principalities and powers, putting away the unjust written requirements of the law against us and making us joint heirs with Him. That's why he said,"It is finished" and he breathed his last. He done and sealed everything necessary to ensure our reconciliation to God.
Lastly but not conclusively, as soon as Jesus died, powerful things happened.
Matt 27:50 - 54
KJV:Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
KJV:And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
KJV:And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
KJV:And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
KJV:Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.
Firstly, there was the tearing of the curtain or veil that prevented men from boldly come before the throne of grace. He broke away the hindrance that prevented man from enjoying a blissful relationship with his maker. So you can talk to God as a son talks to his father because you have now received the spirit of adoption by which we cry "Abba Father". Secondly, Matt 27:52-53 is proof that truly saints would resurrect with their celestial bodies at the second coming of Christ. When people ask me what is my proof that when Christ comes again those who are asleep will rise from the dead ? or that there is going to be life after death for Christians who truly live for Jesus?, I point them to this part of scripture.
I hope you have come into an understanding of the power of the cross and sacrifice Christ paid for us. If you have been truly blessed by this write-up, please do well to share to your friends, families and loved ones on social media. Join us to preach the gospel on social media. The world is in dire need of the word of God, join us spread it. Like our Facebook page Espiritus Koinonia, you can leave your comments, questions, suggestions on the comment box or you can write to me by gmail at God bless you richly and I wish you happy easter in advance. Shalom!!
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