Two kinds of Christians (1)

( ROM 8:1 )
THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit
         Good morning dearly beloved, I trust that you had an awesome night rest. I am inspired by the Holy Spirit to begin a series titled "two kinds of Christians". From the above scriptures, we see that there are those who are in Christ but live according to the flesh and those who are in Christ and live according to the Spirit. You see romans 7 contains a spiritual truth that we sometimes fail to realize. It shows us that there are 2 warring forces. The law of sin and death and the law of Spirit and life in Christ.
         Apostle Paul makes us realize that this warring is sure, not only that, he makes it clear that we would continue this struggle if we fail to realize that we have an escape route (Romans 8:24 - 25 ). He shows us that being under the law we cannot fulfill it because the law doesn't have the enabling provisions for us to do so. The law tells us what God expects from us, tells us how God wants us to be but it doesn't supply the strength to do so ( Romans 7:12 ). Then came Jesus, He who came to fulfill the law, He shows us what God expects from us, how to live the God kind of life and supplies the grace to do so ( John 1: 16 - 17 ). If you truly understand the finished work of Christ on Cavalry, you won't live according to the flesh. Why ? , because he accepts you for who you are, then he changes you inside out, gives you a new life and continuously supplies you with grace to walk in that newness of life.
     Do have a beautiful and blessed-filled day. God loves you.
         I pray to the Almighty to encourage you to dedicate your life to Jesus Christ. Whatever difficulties you may have to face, turn to him, recognize him and render him all your glory and he will help you overcome- Colonel Sanders
Prayer point:
Tell the Holy Spirit to help you understand better the finished work of Christ on Cavalry.

      if you haven't give your life to Christ yet, pls I will like to take a min to do so now. Jesus loves you so much and he is eagerly waiting to embrace you in his arms.
   If your relationship with God is not as it used to be, can you please take a min and ask the Holy Spirit to restore it.


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