KJV:Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
KJV:And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
KJV:And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Gen12:1-3
Good morning dear reader. I hope you had an amazing, peaceful and not too cold night rest. I welcome you to this very very cold, freezing and beautiful Wednesday morning. We are looking at the last part of the series "the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob". I hope you have blessed so far by this teachings. In the previous parts of this series, we treated four of the manifestations of the blessings promised to Abraham and his generations. In this concluding part, we are going to treat the last two of them.
5. Angelic operations :
In the Old testament times, we see angels coming to the aid of God's people always. We see angels fighting, defending, helping and protecting God's people. While painfully enough in this new testament times we see little or no operations of angels in our personal lives. Somehow, we have been made to believe that the operations of angels in the lives of God's people do not longer happen in the new testament times or that it also stopped with the apostles. Even in the early church we see angelic operations too. But one of the manifestations of the blessings of Abraham is angelic operations. It was when Abraham came in the picture in the book of genesis that we started seeing angelic operations. Every child of God has been assigned angels. Whether we believe it or not. But if and when we believe it, we will be better off. The night I gained this insight, I was glad. Then I tried it, let me share a story. At that time a friend of mine asked me to pray for her because of her health. She had been very sick for weeks and she had started her exams. Then I prayed asking the Angel of God to bring her healing that she shouldn't wake up sick the next morning. The next morning I asked her how her health was and she replied better and completely healed. Since then I have been praying with this truth and it has worked (please this is not a formula for getting prayers answered nor do I pray this way always). I have had various angelic operations in my own personal life too that space will fail me to share.
Angels are messengers of God sent as ministering spirits to believers. They are heavenly, powerful, beautiful, glorious and just awesome. Angels are not to be commanded or worshipped. When we see angels because of their glory, we tend to want to worship them. Even apostle John on the island of Patmos worshipped the angel. But he was corrected. Even throughout scripture, we see angels correcting the people of God that they are not to be worshipped. Secondly angels are not to be commanded. For the few Christians who know this truth, some of us make the mistake of commanding them. Take Jesus our role model for example, when he was to be arrested, he didn't say he would command his angels so that the soldiers won't arrest him but rather he said that you can tell his father to send his angels to prevent them from arresting him( I believe we know the story). In psalm 91, scriptures tells us that God will give his angels charge over us so that we will not dash our legs against a stone. That shows that God is the commander of angels not you. You pray to him to send his angels to fight for you. Not you commanding his angels. Angels fight for us, defend us, protect us, inform us or even rebuke us depending on the message God sent him. So now you know thus truth and how to use this truth so I say in the words of bishop David oyedepo, "put your angels to work".
6. God's favour and mercy :
This is the one I treasure most. I don't know whether you understand what it means to be continually favoured by God. Scriptures says a man who finds favour with God, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. When you are favoured by God, you enjoy favour from men, things come easily to you, you live under opened heavens. Its exciting. See Abraham's life he was always favoured by God, same with Isaac, Jacob and joseph. Joseph's own was the most alarming.
Now that you know these manifestations of God's blessings to Abraham and his generations, will you pray for them to begin to manifest in your life. These blessings and many more are what God has prepared for us. Mind you, this list is not exhaustive.
I hope you have been blessed by today's write-up. I really appreciate the fact that you take out time to read my blog post. I hope God uses me to bless you spiritually and thanks also for sharing with your friends. Read, be blessed, comment and share to your friends. The world is in dire need of the word of God. Help us spread this Word. God bless you and do have a wonderful day and a blessed week ahead of you.
Join us again tomorrow as we look at a new series "from the cross to the throne". In this series we will be looking at the finished work of Christ. I hope you follow us on this series as you have always done. Shalom
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