KJV:Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:


KJV:And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:


KJV:And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Gen 12:1-3
     Good morning dearly beloved reader. Welcome to a brand new, glorious Monday morning. I hope you had a splendid and positive unforgettable weekend. This morning, we will be looking at the part 2 of the series; "The blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob". If you didn't read the part 1 then please do so. Well, let's have a little recap of what we studied in the part 1. We talked about what the blessings of Abraham is. We already treated the first two manifestations of these blessings which were long life and sound health of mind and body  and material possessions. This morning we will look at another two.
3. Financial blessings :
        Well this is going to shock many Christians who still think that poverty is a criteria for going to heaven. Even more so it will shock those Christians who think that God will bless us financially just sufficiently enough for us to take care of our children and families and not be in lack. Well if that is true, it means Deu 28:12 is a lie and if that's a lie, then the whole scripture is a lie. Then we Christians are in a big mess. But financial blessings was part of God's package for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Abraham's household was nearly a 1,000 persons. This is how I came to that figure. Scripture told us he went with about 300 plus men to go and rescue Lot and some of those men had wives which gives us a new figure of about 600. Plus their children and slaves. And yet he could provide enough for them comfortably and not be in want. I mean look at the size of gifts Jacob gave to his brother. And yet he didn't even feel it. Dearly beloved, God has plans to make you so wealthy that nations would borrow from you. If nations can borrow from unbelievers why shouldn't they borrow from us believers. Mind you the wealth is to be used to His glory and not for selfish reasons.
4. Good wife :
Do you know that the wives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had similar characteristics. These include:
A. They all had immense respect for their spouse. Take Sarah for instance, she called her husband Lord. Which means God will give you a spouse that respects your integrity, identity, dignity and decisions.
B. They were come from their own kindred. Sarah was Abraham's relative, same with Rebekah, she was from Abraham's kindred, Rachel and leah were from Rebekah's kindred. That means God is entitled to give you one of his children as a spouse. Isn't that wonderful.
C. They trusted in the God their husbands served and also trusted in their husbands. They never discouraged their husbands from following God's instructions. Just imagine how hard it would have been for Sarah watching Abraham taking her son to be sacrificed just because God said so. Or how Rachel and Leah journeyed with Jacob from one place to another.
D. They had a relationship with God :
      Clearly it would only have been the Spirit of God who placed it in the heart of Sarah to tell Abraham to chase out the slave woman and her child. See Rebekah also, she inquired of God concerning her pregnancy. God is not only entitled to give you a spouse who loves Him and is His child but He is also entitled to give you a child who has a growing relationship with Him.
E. They were blessed with the fruit of the womb :
      As a believer, one of the manifestations of Abraham's blessing in your life is the birth of healthy, well-behaved and amazing children. So barrenness shouldn't even be your fear.
      It means as a believer you are entitled to a very respectful, beautiful or handsome spouse. I mean at 60 yrs Abimelech still wanted Sarah, can you imagine? One of the manifestations of the blessing is an entitlement to a bible-believing, God fearing, faithful and fruitful spouse. So a blissful marriage is part of God's package for you. Alleluia
    I hope you have been blessed with today's write-up. Join us again on Wednesday as we continue studying the blessings of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Read, be blessed, comment and share to your friends. The world is in dire need of the word of God. Help us spread this Word. God bless you and do have a wonderful day and a blessed week ahead of you. Shalom.


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