The blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 1
KJV:Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
KJV:And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
KJV:And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Gen 12:1-3.
Good afternoon dear reader. I hope you had a good and peaceful night rest and I also want to believe that your weekend has started well. This afternoon I am writing on the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with so much excitement. This is an awesome and inspiring revelation from scriptures that I will like to share with you. I believe we sang these songs before. As long as you are a Nigerian, born and raised in Nigeria, you would have sang it:
Abraham's blessings are mine
Alleluia. ×2
I am blessed in the morning
I am blessed in the evening
Abraham's blessings are mine.
Father Abraham has many sons
Many sons had father Abraham
I am one of them and so are you
Let us praise the Lord
I believe that by the time we will be through with thus series, you will be going about your daily activities with more confidence. Firstly, looking at the above scriptures one would think that the pronouncement was too vague. What kind of blessings was he going to be blessed with. So that brings us to the question of what are the generational blessings of Abraham. These blessings are:
1. Long life and sound health of mind and body.
2. Material possessions.
3. Financial blessings.
4. Good spouse.
5. Angelic operations.
6. God's favour and mercies.
Let's look at them one by one.
1. Long life and sound health of mind and body:
God blessed Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with long life and sound health of mind and body. Who doesn't want to live long. Abraham died at the ripe old age of 175 years. He lived so long that Jacob and Esau his grandchildren were already 19 years old by the time he died. Needless to say the number of grandchildren or if possible great grandchildren Ishmael gave to him before he died. Isaac also lived long, he lived long enough to see Joseph, Jacob's 11th child. The only health issue we were told of was that Isaac had weak eyes in his old age and died at 180 years. Look also at Jacob, he lived enough to see his great grandchildren, same with Joseph. I believe now that you can see that you come from a lineage of people who do not die prematurely. They don't die by accidents, arm robbery, kidnapping, sickness or even spiritual attacks. Why? Because God has blessed us with long life. It is a promise to father Abraham and his children, I want to believe you are one of them, Exo 23:26. So you don't have the fear that you might die young. No!, No!!, No!!!, that is not what God promised father Abraham. Say that you are blessed with lo g life, sound health of mind and body. Confess it everyday and believed it. You don't need to be afraid of old age sickness because it is not your portion.
2. Material possession :
There are certain magnitudes of blessings I see in scripture that scares me. I mean, imagine, God so blessed someone with material possessions e.g cattle's, slaves, servants and even soldiers that a whole nation had to drive him away because he was too great for them. I feel like speaking in tongues right now. Look at father Abraham, God so blessed him with material possessions that he and Lot had to part ways because the land could no longer support them. God so blessed Isaac that Abimelech king of the philistines had to chase him away because he had become too powerful for a nation. As if that wasn't enough, Abimelech had guilty conscience that he had to have a closed door national security meeting with Isaac. Come on now, should I still talk about Jacob?, do you see the frightening magnitude of material blessings these men walked in and that we have been brought into by covenant. No wonder scripture says, "eyes have not seen neither have ears heard what God has prepared for they that love him". I want you to say these words with faith. I am going to own cars, lands, houses, estates, private jets etc. I may not have anything now but I know the lineage I come from. I know the kind of generational blessings that follows me. God swore that he was going to bless Abraham and his children. Therefore no matter what I see now, I know I am blessed!!!
Can you take a minute to thank God for these insights you now have and thank Him for these blessings. I hope you have been blessed with today's write-ups. Join us again on Monday as we look at the remaining blessings in the next series of this teaching. Read, be blessed, comment and share to your friends. The world is dire need of the Word. Help us spread the Word. God bless you and do have a wonderful and blessed weekend. Shalom.
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