ESV:Who has believed what he has heard from us? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
ESV:For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him.
ESV:He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
ESV:Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted.
ESV:But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.
ESV:All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
ESV:He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth.
ESV:By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people?
ESV:And they made his grave with the wicked and with a rich man in his death, although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth. Isa 53:1-9
Good morning dear reader. I trust you had a splendid night rest and an amazing weekend. I know God has been faithful in your life. I want to sincerely appreciate every single one of you for your continuous visit to this blog. For not only reading our posts but also sharing them. Right now we have a world audience of about 400+ and I appreciate your input towards making it grow from 0 world audience to 400+ world audience. May God continue to bless you. But if you compare that world audience to the world's actual population you will know that we have not gone anywhere. So we implore you to read, be blessed, comment and share with more friends, Facebook groups and pages, whatsapp groups and friends and any other social network common in your country, so we can reach and win more souls for Christ. Please write to me by my email:, if you are interested in partnering with me especially in terms of spreading these blog posts, changing the message of the blog post to the language of your country, for prayer requests etc. God bless you as you do so. I also want to apologize for not blogging yesterday. This write-up was supposed to be uploaded yesterday, I am sorry for not doing so.
Now, let's look at the part 2 of our series: "from the cross to the throne". In part 1 of this series, I took us on a journey through scriptures trying to point out or show us how the bible from genesis to revelation points or all sum up to the finished work of Christ. Something that was already done before the world even began. Today, we are going to be looking at what really happened at the cross.
In the Jewish tradition to die by the cross was the worst form of death. Infact , if you died by the cross or wood you were considered a curse to man and the ground. So why would Jesus take up the worst demeaning form of death ever, why descend so low? I will tell you, it is because he loves you so much, he couldn't bear to see you still under the grip of the god of this world. Because he couldn't bear the separation period between you and him. Have you seen a married couple in love, when one of them travels and they are separated for a while. They are always calling to check up on each other. Why? Because they miss each other and they don't want to feel the separation too much. But even at that they know it can't be compared to when they are together. That is the same way Jesus feels when you are not close to him. Also because it was now time for man to go back to the state he was before the fall. Let me say something here, Gen 2:7, scripture tells us that God breathed into man, the breath of life and he became a living soul, the English translation of the original Hebrew word used for "living soul" means ability to live above the devil. That shows that God was aware that the devil had been defeated and fallen to earth, so not only did God create man in his own image and likeness, he also gave him(man) the part of Him ( God) that enables a continuous victory over the devil. Right from time, God had always equipped man with the ability to continually and victoriously whip the devil's ass. Let me show you another shocking revelation, look at gen 3:14, from that scripture, we see that God cursed the devil (represented figuratively by the serpent) above the animals. Do you know what that means, it means in God's ranking of important personalities, man comes first, then angels followed by animals and lastly the devil. That is to say, the devil doesn't even have power over animals. But when man fell, he lost that position, the devil began to take dominion and make fun and a laughing stock out of mankind. So death, sickness, failures, misery, weakness, demonic oppression, sin and continuous accusations from the devil became the order of the day.
So at the cross, Christ took all of these. It may not make sense to you or may not not even sound possible to you that Jesus could have done that. But that night at Gethsemane, Jesus was interceding for strength and grace to carry the burdens, sins, poverty, failures, sicknesses, spiritual weakness of those alive during his time and those yet unborn ( that includes you and I including generations after us). On that cross, Jesus hanged your worries, troubles, the power of sin over you, sicknesses, poverty and failures. See another thing he did, at the point when he cleansed you with his blood and you became clean as a new born baby, then he breathed into you, only this time you didn't become a living soul but rather you became a life giving spirit. Then he took you out from under the grip of the devil. That is to say, the devil may be the god of this world but he is no longer your God nor does he have the right to afflict you again. You have been taken from the kingdom of darkness and translated you into the kingdom of his wonderful son. Let me tell you, if you believe that the blood of Jesus washed you, cleansed you and made you a child of God but do not believe that the same blood has taken away your sicknesses, diseases, problems, challenges then you are walking in error. Read your scriptures again.
That is at the cross, Jesus took your old self, your spiritually dead, sickness-afflicted, poverty stricken, devil conscious old self and changed you completely to a spiritually alive, divine health, financially or academically prospering, conqueror mindset new man. Can you declare it over yourself. Some persons do not know this or do not believe this so their lives are still in a mess. They still run helter-skelter looking for solutions in places where they are none. They still live miserable, pitiable, lives and even at times want to commit suicide. But can I talk to you who is not a Christain, give your life to Christ and enjoy the fruits of a new life. I am a living example of this fact. Can you please accept Jesus as your lord and saviour. Tell Him to come into your life and make you a son of God, tell him you are tired of been used of, used by and oppressed by the devil. Just tell him these things from the bottom of your heart. He will come into your heart, wash you clean and fill you up with His Spirit. You will know it when He comes into your heart and makes it your home. You will have an unbelievable and unexplainable peaceful and joyful rest of mind. If you have done this, I welcome you into the wonderful family of Gid's people around the world. For us Christians who do not yet believe this fact. I urge you to continue to study scriptures until you understand and believe these truths. The body of Christ won't grow into the fullness of the stature of Christ except we begin to recognize His promises and obey the conditions to obtain, to recognize certain facts and believe them, to recognize inspired stories or exhortations and abide by them, to recognize punishments or curses and avoid events that will bring us into it.
I hope you have been blessed by today's write-up. Join us again on Tuesday as we enter the concluding part of this series. Join us grow our world audience. The world is in dire need of the word of God. Help us spread this Word. Happy Sunday to you all. Wish u a fantastic, exiting and marvellous week ahead. God bless you. Shalom.
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