ESV:Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,


ESV:even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love


ESV:he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will,


ESV:to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.


ESV:In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,


ESV:which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight. Eph 1:3-8
           Good morning dear readers. I hope you had an amazing and peaceful night rest. I welcome you to a bright and beautiful Tuesday morning. This morning we will be looking at the concluding part of the series: "from the cross to the throne". In the previous parts, we looked at how the sacrifice on the cross was a manifestation of what had already taken place in the spirit realm before the foundation of the world and we also looked at what happened at the cross.
        This morning let's see the importance of his resurrection and the benefits of it. You see after Jesus had gone through the humiliations, beatings, disgrace and sufferings, carrying all our issues, sins, diseases, failures etc on him and hanged them on the cross. Thereby cursing them never to come upon us again. He became a curse for us to counter the curse that was placed upon man in the beginning and the curse of the law. You have been freed from that curse. But you see, dying on the cross couldn't have been enough, hanging those things on the cross couldn't have been enough. He had to seal it and make it unbreakable. That is what happened when He arose from the dead. But before I talk about that let me show you what happened during his death.

ESV:And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit.


ESV:And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split.


ESV:The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised,


ESV:and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many. Matt 27:50-53.
            At the point when he died the first thing that happened was the tearing of the curtain that prevented man from having a blissful relationship with Him. At that point, he said,"hey come, you have accepted me as your lord and personal saviour, so I have washed you thoroughly clean from all filths of sin, I have brought you out from under the grip of sin, taken away your sorrows, pains, failures, diseases and broken every curse upon you. I did all these by the shedding of my blood on the cross of calvary for you. I have not only done that but look, the curtain that prevented you from entering into the holies of holies has been torn, so it is no longer only a selected few who can come in. You can too, I have made you sparkling clean and I have also made you the righteousness of God. I have filled you with the love of God and showered you with grace so you can come fearlessly into the holies of holies to worship with your Father. So you can have a relationship with the Father and I. You don't have to be a priest, prophet, pastor etc to have a relationship with us, you can come as you are, we earnestly desire a relationship with you". Then he said, "hey, look at the proof that I will rise you up on the last day to be with me forever. See men who had died believing in me, see they have been raised from the dead". Let me tell you something dear reader, let no man decieve you, our salvation is sure and Christ will surely come for us.
    And like I said earlier, Christ dying for us wasn't going to complete His mission. He had to rise from the dead. If he had not risen the sacrifice would have failed. When Jesus died, while the devil was busy rejoicing that he had won, the next thing  confusion set in. Broken relationships with God were repaired, man in the fallen state was lifted up to his original state God created him to be. The devil couldn't understand what was happening. Then there was silence in hell, the king of kings and lord of lords himself had stepped into hell with all His glory. The hosts of hell fell prostrate before Him. The devil still didn't understand what was happening. Nothing was making any sense to him, he was trembling all over, he was lying prostrate on the ground unable to stir at the glorious king. It was in this fear-striken state that the king demanded for the authority that he stole from man. The devil had no choice, amidst fear and confusion, he handed them over to the Lord still unable to look the lord in the eyes. Then His majesty left with a flawless victory. Then he arose, the heavens rejoiced, mankind celebrated because not only had He saved mankind, restored mankind's relationship back to God but He had also made a public show of all the hosts of darkness put together and ensured that none of His was ever at the mercy of the devil again. Then he gave man i.e believers, authority over all things like He has. This is evident with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:8).
             So you are not only free from the curse, you have become a powerful believer because you share in Christ's authority. Do you understand now what happened from the cross to the throne? Do you now understand what Jesus has done for you? If you do can you please appreciate Him, thank Him that you no longer have to do all those sacrifices listed in the book of Leviticus. Thank Him because He had done every necessary sacrifice on your behalf. Thank Him because now you can and will have a pleasant relationship with God. Just thank Him in your language and with tongues too.
      I hope you have blessed by today's write-up. Join us again on Thursday as we treat a new series titled: "created for a purpose". I can assure you that you will be blessed as you have been by previous write-ups.
     Please read, be blessed, comment and share with more of your friends and groups on your social network. Please write to me on my gmail, with your questions, comments, prayer requests etc. Also do well to like our Facebook page Espiritus Koinonia. If you want to receive write-ups from this blog, please also send me your gmail name. The world is dire need of the word of God. Help us spread this Word. God bless you as you do so. Shalom


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