KJV:And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.


KJV:And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.


KJV:And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.


KJV:And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.   Acts 2:1-4
       Good morning dear reader. I hope you had an amazing and peaceful night rest. Also I believe your weekend has been an exciting and wonderful one. I pray for you reading this blog post that God wipes away your tears, pains and sorrows in this new week in Jesus name. Amen. I pray for you that in this week sickness, death, accidents or hazards will never be your portion in Jesus name. Amen. Once again I want to appreciate every single one of you reads this blog post constantly, regularly and also those who share this blog post with their friends. May God continue to bless and strengthen you all in Jesus name. Amen
          In the part 1-3 of this series we treated the personality of the Holy Spirit, the proof that He is a person and the biblical steps to receiving the Holy Spirit. Please I want to re-iterate that to receive the Holy Spirit you do not have to tarry. Please read up the parts 1-3 of this series to understand better the topic we are treating.

KJV:But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.


KJV:For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;


KJV:To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;


KJV:To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: 1 cor 12:7-10
        In the above scripture, we see a list of the manifestations or gifts of the Spirit. Which include: the gift of the word of wisdom, word of knowledge, gift of faith, gifts of healings, working of miracles, gift of prophecy, discerning of spirits, gift of interpretation of tongues. We are going to treat each one of them. The aim is that you will be able to recognize each of these gifts when next you read them in scriptures or encounter them in the lives of believers. I also want you to realize that the gifts of the Holy Spirit aren't restricted to these nine gifts listed above. That brings us to the explanation of the term "manifestations of the Spirit". The word manifestation means a very clear sign that a particular situation or feeling exists or it can also be defined as the act of appearing or becoming clear. So you have been baptized with the gift of the person of the Holy Spirit they are certain things that will begin to appear or manifest in your life. Let me use this illustration, when walking on the streets for instance, the only way you know a mad man on the streets is by his character. Most times those who are badly dressed are not mad, they can't just provide for themselves. But when you see someone who is behaving abnormally, dancing on the middle of the road, uttering complete non-sense. Then you know that that person is mad. So it is with the baptism with the Holy Spirit, therefore there will be clear signs of that particular situation of your baptism. So it means it isn't something you will have to try to prove that you have, it will just come naturally. A mad man doesn't have to prove that he is mad, it comes naturally to him. So what I will be doing in the remaining part of this series is not only helping you recognize these gifts in the lives of believers but also help you recognize which of these gifts you have been blessed with, in case you are unsure. I also want you to realize that these gifts are spread throughout scriptures from the Old testament to the New testament.
1. Word of wisdom :
            This gift usually deals with future events. Sometimes we mistake it for prophecy but it isn't. So when you notice you are always giving messages to people that involve future events then it isn't the gift of prophecy. This gift is usually to encourage someone to take a leap of faith that God prior to that time has laid in the person's heart or to confirm a particular course of action or also give direction. These are just some of the reasons why the word of wisdom may manifest. But can I quickly say, this gift is never given to bring shame or disgrace to the body of Christ or a person. So if its manifestation does that then it means it is a foul spirit and remember we have been told to test all spirits. Read the following scriptures. 1 Sam 10:1-8, Acts 21:9-11
2. Word of knowledge :
       This gift usually deals with past events. This too is usually mistaken for the gift of prophecy. The gift of the word of knowledge usually tells us events that have already happened in our lives. Sometimes this gift is manifested to cause us to believe in God and his servants. Not to embarrass us or disgrace us. The reasons for this gift is limited to just that buy most of the times it us manifested for that purpose. Usually the word of knowledge doesn't operate alone. It operates either with the gift of prophecy or word of wisdom. One time I heard a story of a man of God who went about announcing people's sin in his congregation thereby causing depression. Then I told him that man couldn't have been led by the Spirit of God. God doesn't announce your sins to the world, he doesn't make you feel guilty but rather, he strengthens you, empower you and shower you with love. When God lays in your heart the sins of someone for you to rebuke or correct you are not to announce it but rather to meet the person privately. John 4:16-20
        I hope you have been blessed by today's write-up. Read, be blessed, comment and please share to your friends on any social media in your country. Join us again on Thursday for the part 5. Like pur Facebook page Espiritus Koinonia and write to me on my gmail at The world is dire need of the word of God. Help us spread the Word. Shalom


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