Good morning to you, dear reader. I hope you had a lovely and an amazing night rest. I sincerely appreciate everyone who have become constant visitors to this blog, those read the series published and get blessed by them. Mostly those who are blessed by them, send in their appreciations and share to their friends, families and colleagues on any social networks in their country, may God bless you all richly. I am truly humbled and I deeply appreciate you.
           Welcome to living waters blog, a blog where write-ups that are inspirational, Life-giving, truth revealing, soul searching and drawn from scriptures as the Holy Spirit gives guidance are published. I enjoin you even as you read and get  blessed by these posts to please share with friends, colleagues and family on any social network in your country. I want you who reads and get blessed by these write-up to realise that there are very few blogs out there that focus on teaching the truths from God's word, I have a vision to build a blog that causes more traffic than any pornography, film or football sites. One that persons read the posts, get blessed and grow more and more into the stature of Christ.
          This morning we will be beginning a new series titled, "ASKING AND RECEIVING". I believe you will be blessed by this write-up so I enjoin you to follow me through the series and really put to practice what you will be taught here. One of the major complains of Christians all over the world today is unanswered prayers. Nothing is more frustrating than asking and asking and asking and not receiving. It makes you begin to doubt if truly God still exists, if He really loves you, if He cares. I have seen persons who have backslided as a result of unanswered prayers. I remember when we saw our first semester 100 level results. That day was a very funny one, some persons were fainting on the spot, some burst into tears but what struck me that day was a statement one of my friends made, he said that "God doesn't care o, you just have to be working hard, praying is just waste of time" and that young man stopped coming to church or fellowship.In this series, you will be taught very unique secrets to getting your prayers answered that previously you may have or may not have been taught, you will also be taught how to put them into practice. One of the pains I have when I teach is the unsatisfied desire that men would truly practice what God has led me to teach and not just get excited and begin to make exclamations like "Ride on sir, I hear you pastor etc". So please I say again, read this post with an attitude of putting to practice what I will be teaching.
            I will begin this teaching by starting with the common secrets to receiving what you ask for when you pray. So let's begin
                  So many times in scriptures during His sojourn on earth, Jesus gave us the assurance that when we ask we will receive, please this is different from faith. Whether or not you have faith it has nothing to do with this assurance Christ has given us. Assurance is the promise that something will happen, it is usually made by people with high integrity and dignity to lose if the promise fails. Let's look at Matt 7:7-11

KJV:Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:


KJV:For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.


KJV:Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?


KJV:Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?


KJV:If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

        Verses 7-8, we see Jesus teaching the people that they should ask, seek and knock that they will receive, find and doors opened unto them, as if just stating it wasn't enough he went on to buttress his point from verses 9-11. Truly, no bad man would want any bad thing for his children needless to say good men, how much more your father in heaven. It has gotten to the point where believers pray without expecting an answer. They come to church without expecting to get blessed. They will be like, "let me just pray so that if someone asks me I will tell the person that I have prayed about the situation". Be true to yourself, how many times do you pray with this mindset that Jesus has given the assurance that if we ask we will receive? From today, pray with this mindset that Jesus is willing to give you what you ask for in prayer.


          Many believers pray with hope and call it faith. To get answers to your prayers, you should pray with faith which is anchored on hope. So what is hope?, what is faith?So how does hope and faith differ? Faith and hope are defined in the dictionary as follows; Faith is confidence or trust in a person or thing or a belief not based on proof and Hope is an optimistic attitude of mind based on an expectation or desire. Faith says it is so now, and hope says in the future it could happen. Which means that Hope gives room for it not to happen while faith states emphatically that it must happen. Do you see the difference now, do you pray expecting to get the answer now or that you will get the answer later or that you won't even get an answer. Now Let's look at the popular scripture we quote when we want to study faith.

Heb 11:1

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

        Can you see the relationship between faith and hope? Hope is the picture of what you desire while faith gives force to that picture. So when you pray, what picture do you have in mind. Let's take for instance you are praying for #70,000 within two weeks meanwhile the picture in your mind is that you will get #50000 within six months. That is different from doubt, doubt is you not believing that God will answer you while what I described above is you believing that God will answer you but not as exactly as you want. So many times we pray ferociously about something while in our mind we have a different picture. So what does faith do?, faith brings into realisation or reality the picture we have in mind undermining what you say outwardly. So until you can get your picture to agree with your words, you won't get the answers you want. 

    Let us stop here today, join us again on Thursday as we continue on this very impactful series.  I hope you have been blessed by this write-up. Please even as you have read and are blessed, please also share to your friends on any social group you belong to, so as to be a source of blessing to them too. Write to me on my gmail at so you can automatically receive these posts in your mail.if you realise that men need to hear the gospel more than any other thing in the world then assist us in increasing our world audience by being a constant visitor to the blog and see sharing of the blog as an opportunity to evangelise the gospel to the ends of the earth that you may never get to but internet has made possible. God bless you as you do so in Jesus name. Amen. If you have questions or need clarifications or even counselling then please write to me by gmail at, I so much desire to discuss with you. 

 Remember the world is in dire need of the word of God, so join us spread this word. God bless you richly. Shalom



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